Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Effects of Negative Words - Rice Science Experiment

Rice Science Experiment - The Effects Of Negative Words

Recently I came across Dr. Marsaru Emoto's experiments with negative words.  I was looking for something to help my children see that words matter and that name-calling and negative words impact a person.  I have a child that is constantly saying negative things to himself or to those around him.  No matter how many times I tell him that's damaging, he just didn't believe, so I needed evidence.

Dr. Emoto claims that positive and negative words have a dramatic effect on water.  His experiments show that positive words, classical music,  and positive prayer directed at water produced beautiful crystals as the water was flash froze. Negative words had the opposite effect, directing negative words, and heavy metal music produced ugly and deformed crystals. 

After showing Dr. Emoto's experiment to my children, we talked about how our bodies are made up of 60% water.  We talked about the effects our negative words have on each of us when we use the words and when we receive the negative words.  My little one started to say we shouldn't use negative words because we would end up like an ugly snowflake inside.

In another experiment, Dr. Emoto took two jars of rice and added just enough water to cover the rice. One jar he labeled "thank you" and one was labeled "you fool." The jars were left in an elementary classroom where the students were instructed to say kind things to the jar labeled thank you and mean things to the you fool jar.  After 30 days the jar receiving the negative words turned into a black shriveled mess.  The jar receiving the positive words was as fluffy and white as the day it was put in the jar.

I wanted my kids to see the effects of negative words, so we tried the experiment ourselves.  I was a little bit skeptical as to whether it would really work but we went ahead with the experiment and were all pleasantly surprised.   I actually took 3 jars, the first jar was labeled hate, the second kind, and the third was left unlabeled.  Every day we talked to the kind and mean jar and ignored the unlabeled jar.   We did this for several weeks.  The mean jar started to turn an ugly brown color while the nice jar and the ignored jar remained clear and white.   The smell from the jars was not pleasant.  According to the Dr. Emoto's experiment, the mean rice was supposed to smell foul and the kind was supposed to have a pleasant smell.  The mean did smell worse than the kind rice but I thought both of them stunk, one just worse than the other.   The unlabeled jar wasn't as clear as the kind jar but wasn't brown and dirty like the mean jar. 

The rice on the left if clearly whiter than the one on the right.
This was a powerful experiment to do with my kids. They saw first hand that the mean words they used towards the mean jar changed it to an ugly brown.   Instead of me telling them, they had physical proof that words matter. 

I have this quote hanging on my fridge as a reminder to them:
"Never say mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. Your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent."

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