Saturday, September 12, 2015

Celebrate Grandpartents Day!

Grandparents Day Educents Blot

Grandparent's Day - Sept 13, 2015

I have to be honest here, I until a few days ago I had no idea there was such a thing as Grandparent's Day.  What a great way to celebrate those that have had a great impact on not only our lives, but the lives or our parents and our children. I was lucky enough to know 4 great grandmas, 1 great grandpa,
2 grandpas and 2 grandmas. I have so many memories of all my grandparents.  My Great Grandma Addie lived to be 96 years old! She lived on a farm and raised a large garden, had a cow, rabbit and chickens. My brothers, sisters and I loved to go visit her because we thought it was so fun to explore around her home and in the nearby river.  We loved to pick turnips and raspberries out of Grandmas garden.

When my Grandma Elsie got to old to get around on her own she lived in a small trailer on my uncle's property so that he could help her with anything she needed.   I loved this arrangement, before that she lived 4 miles up the road so I didn't see her as often.  My Uncle lived 1/2 block away from me. On my way home from school I would stop and visit with Grandma. She always had the best treats to share with me like dried mango and old fashioned ribbon candy.

Some of my best memories are of my parent's parents. One set had a huge tree with a tire swing in it. My siblings and I spent countless hours swinging, we thought we were on top of the world in that swing because it could go so high.  Sadly, that set of grandparents have passed on and how my family and kids miss them. My other set of grandparents have a huge willow tree that we loved to climb in as kids, it was always fun to see who could get the highest.

I could go on and on about my grandparents, but I'll get to the point, I have wonderful grandparents! Below check out all the fun things to do with grandparents.

1. Read a story together - Kiddos love listening to a story told by grandma and grandpa. Provide grandparents with books that are fun for the older and younger generation to read together and discuss. The Life of Fred Beginning Reader Series is a fun set of books that are hilarious, short and sweet - great for getting everyone to laugh while reading!
2. Browse through old photos - Pulling out the old family photo albums is so fun! What a great way to share memories with your children. Grandparents love telling stories and passing down their memories. Kids love pointing at photos and asking questions like, “Grandma, is that really you??”
Coloring For Everyone Educents
3. Color together - Coloring is not just for kids, it’s for everyone! Send kids to grandpa’s house with a bag of coloring books so they can spend quality, artistic time together. This set of coloring books would be a great bundle to keep at grandma and grandpa’s house!

4. Make a gift for grandparents - Do your kids want to make a personal gift for grandma and grandpa? These printable books are super cute and easy to use! Just print, fill out the pages, and practice writing and reflect on memories of grandparents who are still living or passed on.

.Grandma Quote - Educents Blog

5. Interview a grandparent - Little ones can learn a lot from grandparents. What is grandma or grandpa’s favorite memories as a child? What are life lessons that can be passed down to the next generation and preserved for future generations? This one-of-a-kind interactive notebook will give your little one the opportunity to interview grandparents and have a keepsake for precious memories. The Grandmother's Virtues Interview Lapbook and Grandfather's Wisdom Interview Lapbook are available on Educents for a discount!

Want more information on Grandparents Day? How did Grandparents Day begin and more.
Coloring Pages and more

What memories do you have of your grandparents?
 Leave a comment below.

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